I'm a Naturopathic Doctor, on a mission to help others heal from the inside out.
We each have a story to tell, Here's mine:
After receiving my Honors in Biomedical sciences, I built my scientific knowledge as a Microbiologist and Biological Activity Technologist at pharmaceutical firms. I learned that optimal health meant using food and drugs.
"Let Food Be Thy Medicine" - Hippocrates
After journeying through my own health issues and knocking on a lot of doors, I finally found some answers. I empowered myself by learning as much as I could about my health. I was so passionate, about learning more ways to heal myself, I decided to switch careers and complete my Doctor of Naturopathy at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.
My special areas of interest lie in Nervous Regulation, Digestive and Hormonal health.
Some of the other things I love doing are; travelling, hiking, poetic writing and creating tea blends.
In Health,
Dr. Aisha Durrani, ND